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November & December

What a pleasure as a ministry to greet you again.

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What a pleasure as a ministry to greet you again and to be able to share in God's goodness at the close of 2023.

Thank you for taking these minutes to read and praise God together with us for His countless goodness.

In the month of November, we had the opportunity to support a church with their week of Bible Summer School, it was very good for us to be preparing lessons for the children and teenagers also preparing crafts, games, and many activities for them. Thanks to God because He allows us to serve Him together in many areas and thanks for those churches that entrust us with these responsibilities to support them and work together in God's work.

We were also working on the preparation of our property for the camp. And here we want to thank God for the physical strength that He has given us this year to be able to advance in the work of improving the camp.

In December we were able to have our week of youth camp and our hearts are full of gratitude to the Lord, since we were able to have a full house (many slept on the floor) and most of the campers were first time campers. We had many kids who arrived without knowing about Christ and that week they were able to have a personal encounter with Jesus. Prior to the camp there were situations where God led us to adjust some responsibilities but trusting that God would give us a beautiful week and so it was, we had many hands to help. We were able to have kids from Mexico, Guatemala, and guys from the churches here in our country who came to support us and serve with us, and the truth is how rewarding the ministry feels when you do it with brothers in Christ who are also friends and join with us to reach the youth with the message of salvation.

And thanks to you for praying for us, God responds, and every day shows us His grace, love, care and continues to remind and encourage us that the work is His and, in His grace, He makes us a part of it.

We are excited to see what God has for us in 2024, please do not stop praying for El Salvador and be part of the work that God is doing and wants to continue doing in this small and needy country.

We do not want to end without thanking you, because in everything we have shared with you this 2023 you have been part of it with your prayers, support and your interest in what God is doing.

God bless you and we hope you continue to marvel together with us at God's beautiful work.

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