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January & February

We begin this sharing with a note of thanks

Evangelismo ilustrado

How are you friends? It is a pleasure to greet you again. We trust in the Lord that everyone is well and enjoying the goodness of God.

We begin this sharing with a note of thanks, we are happy, admiring the faithfulness of our God encouraging us to start a new year.

January was beautiful the spiritual care of God to our ministry, we had our annual team retreat, this time we were accompanied by our authorities of Word of Life International. It was a very special time where we could be encouraged, and exhorted in the Word of God and we experienced the care of God and our authorities, we felt full of love and His Word.

February, we have been supporting the churches with youth work, we have been able to have discipleship, also God blessed us with bringing a group of brothers from the United States, very beloved, with them we were able to paint in its entirety the main hall of the camp and we were also able to be announcing the message of Jesus in some schools in the area in a work with local churches and that excites us, reaching together Salvadorans with the gospel of Jesus.

We would like to invite you to continue being part of God's work in our country and continue praying for us, because during the month of March we will be preaching the gospel together with our brothers of Filters of Hope in very poor areas of the country. Join us in praying that God will allow these people to have their ears and hearts open to hear the gospel and see their need for Christ.

Thank you for your love, prayers, and support so that this ministry will continue to move forward in preaching the gospel and q more Salvadorans will know of our savior.

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